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Saturday, 27. July 2024

Support for our Customers

With individual, unlimited, and high-speed service, ERPA differs from other companies!

Should questions arise when using palOTPI® you will immediately receive unlimited and guaranteed assistance, by phone, e-mail, or remote maintenance. New: Our free of charge remote service via internet using TeamViewer® (Participant Login) is approved. Also, remote presentations are easily possible with TeamViewer®.

TeamViewer® for Windows-User

We want to be a partner for you to rely on:

We only leave you if everything is running well!

Remote maintenance with TeamViewer® - the approved service for ERPA customers! With Netviewer®, the ERPA Team can install newest software updates and modifications on your PC -free of charge for you!

With TeamViewer®, ERPA's service for you is quicker and better: Our service technician can move your mouse pointer on your screen, thus showing and explaining software functions to you. As a result, our service occurs twice: Acoustically by phone and visually on your screen!

As a customer, you only need internet access for remote maintenance with TeamViewer®. The connection between ERPA Service Technicians and your PC works with a secured server. Test it!

What is TeamViewer? TeamViewer® allows internet users to view each other's screens simultaneously. It is a sleek, easy-to-use web-collaboration tool for desktop sharing, web conferencing, and remote maintenance, which joins scattered PC users to a virtual team. Via intranet or internet all participants are linked to each other to share any contents visually and work on it. Two or three mouse-clicks are sufficient to establish a connection between your PC and that of your partner, without installation and through firewalls.

More information about TeamViewer® and download of a 14 day free trial can be found here.

Software- und
Systemlösungen für
die Verpackungsindustrie
ERPA Systeme GmbH
Technische und Graphische
Willi-Eichler-Str. 24
37079 Göttingen · Germany
Phone +49(0)551-789 50-0
Telefax +49(0)551-789 50-77